Find out how our data is prepared and how to get access to it
From health care provider to Honic
Honic receives data directly from health care providers (‘Data Providers’), on a near-time basis, e.g. weekly, daily or within seconds. Data Providers have full control over their data at Honic, secured by a multilayered compliance architecture, co-developed with the data privacy authority.
You are a Data Provider, interested to contribute your data to research? Find out more about working with Honic.
From health data to research data
Data from care comes to Honic in various forms. Yet, rarely as structured data, following international interoperability standards where needed, e.g. FHIR, Snomed CT, LOINC or OMOP. We take care of that, clean and normalize the data, and store it in a performant FHIR Common Data Model.
From research idea to data access
As a researcher looking for real world data, see below the six steps to get access to exactly the data you need for your specific research project:
1. Cohort Definition
Share your hypotheses, cohort of interest and research purpose with us that we understand your data needs.
3. Research Submission
Once the project starts, we jointly write a study request and design the statistical analysis plan.
5. Preparation of data access
Honic prepares your data package and especially anonymizes the data before access.
2. Feasibility Check
Honic identifies the size of your cohort and gets back to you with a detailed proposal of the way forward.
4. Compliance Process
For each project, Honic completes a specific compliance process taking patient’s, scientific and data protection perspectives into account.
6. Data analysis
You get access to the data in Honic’s Analytics Environment or Honic carries out the analysis for you.
Learn more
Is that even allowed in Germany?

Find out more about the core pillars of Data Privacy & Data Protection at Honic.
Schedule a call with our experts

Nora Sagel
CPO & Managing Director

Philipp Hessenberger
VP Growth

Dr. Jan Müller
Data Provider Manager